Ananth Vivekanand

Radicubs Robotics

Radicubs Robotics is a community robotics team from Frisco, Texas. I am the junior captain of this entirely student-led team.

Our Team #

The Radicubs (Team 7503) was founded to provide robotics opportunities to high schoolers in the Frisco Independant School District. Although robotics is offered as an elective at FISD middle schools, students have no opportunity to participate in robotics after middle school.

The Radicubs has been filling this gap for 3 years, and has competetd in 2 FRC seasons. As a school-independent team, The Radicubs fundraises for its budget (nearly 20k a year) and acquires its own workspace, tools, mentors, and students, all without the support of a school. The school-independent nature of the Radicubs allows it to be completely student-led, which empowers students to learn engineering, CAD, software development, finance, leadership, and marketing.

Some stats about our team:

  • 4 high schools represented
  • 22 students
  • 15 local corporate and community sponsors

My role (2019 & 2020) #

I joined the Radicubs as a founding member. During the first year, we won the FRC Rookie Inspiration Award and Highest Rookie Seed twice despite stuggling with our lack of resources. As a student on the software team, I worked on robot movement and the pneumatics systems which was used for a gripping mechanism on our robot.

The following season, I was elected by the team to be the software lead. As software lead, I oversaw my respective subteam as we wrote all of our robot functionality in Java using WPILib. In addition, I worked with the other subteam leads to coordinate on the development of robot. During the 2nd season, I worked with onboard electronics such as the vision systems and roboRIO (a FPGA board) and assisted in many places throughout the code.

As a founding member of the team, I have played an important role in the team’s development and have acquired knowledge along the way. After the 2020 season, I was nominated and then elected in a unanimous vote for the position of junior captain.

What I’ve learned #

In retrospect, I think it is incredible what a group of passionate students can accomplish. Aside from being able to practice my programming skills, my involvement on the team has furthered my interest for robotics.